Also, please notice that I have an awesome boyfriend who surprised me with a re-designed blog. Is he spectacular or what? Thanks, TP. (:
December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Also, please notice that I have an awesome boyfriend who surprised me with a re-designed blog. Is he spectacular or what? Thanks, TP. (:
November 20, 2008
It's my caprese salad
November 4, 2008
Trent Monk is in the living room
October 24, 2008
Instead of farmers fighting AIDS...
October 17, 2008
Week in review
I can't even remember as far back as Monday. I'm sure it was just another manic day. That happens sometimes. I was not inspired to come up with a theme for Music Mondays, so here in my office we've taken a break this week. I'll be back on track next week.
Before I tell you about my Tuesday I should first explain for those of you who don't know that I have adopted myself into a Tallahassee family. And they're okay with it. One of my BFF's, Laura, has one of the best families ever. Every Sunday we have lunch with sisters, brothers-in-law, the most handsome nephews ever, Mom, Dad, and Grandma. Oh man these are good people. I do not think I can adequately express how I love them. Anyways...on Tuesday, my adopted dad had both of his knees replaced. Everyone else was at the hospital all day but I was stuck here at work because I forgot that I had a meeting at 3:00 that afternoon. So I got up there just in time to see him after he came out of recovery. And I'm happy to report that everything is as well as can be expected. It will be a long rehab, but the doctor actually called his old knees "hideous", so this will be far better in comparison.
Wednesdays are always pretty busy. Here's a fun story about this Wednesday: when I got out to my car to go to work in the morning, I discovered not only that it was unlocked, but that the contents of my purse, makeup bag, console, and glove compartment had been strewn all about my front seat(s). This caused me some concern because either I had become a messy sleepwalker, or someone had been in my car without my knowledge. It is even more mysterious because whoever this person is did not take ANYTHING except for one wallet (I have two) with only one credit card in it. He or she did not take my "real" wallet, my iPod, my camera, or the cash that was in my purse. So, yeah. Just enough to give a girl the CREEPS.
Then I went to work. Then for lunch we went up to the hospital to check on the Pops. He's still doing well, sitting in a chair and making jokes. I kinda love him.
Then I got a message from someone in town saying that he had found my wallet with my credit card. That was the only thing with my name on it, so I guess that's how he looked up my phone number. He found it on the side of the road on the street where I live while he was running on his lunch break. Things just keep getting weirder. Nothing was missing, and I went to pick it up.
Then like on most Wednesday nights I went up to the church to hang out with the youth choir. I found out that they are doing their summer choir mission tour in CHICAGO and I am already chaperone #1. It will be awesome.
Then we had praise team rehearsal, which is normally on Thursdays but we had to make an exception. Because you people care about that. (:
Then directly from rehearsal I went to gymnastics. It was kind of a low-key workout, but still fun. I love that stuff.
So Thursday. I took the morning off work so I could take my lovely dog to the vet. We had a nice visit and she did so well. They trimmed her nails, which made me really happy since she won't let me do it. She doesn't have any diseases, plus she's lost weight! We are a healthy, happy family.
After work and such I had to go up to the church for a little bit again to work on the media stuff for Sunday, but had to rush home in order to be there for FSU's football game! The Thursday night voo-doo never works well for us. I think I developed an ulcer during the first half, but we left NC State with a W! It was thrilling and since I was so hyped up and had recorded The Office episode during the game, I had to stay up and watch that, too. So awkward...but I love those guys. I'm glad Michael finally 1.) didn't listen to Jan and 2.) made a real move with Holly.
Tonight, I am excited because my friend Meagan and Caitlin are coming to town and staying with me, and I also get to babysit for my friend Amy's kid, who is pretty much the best baby ever.
Tomorrow is our mission blitz day with church, and as per my tradition I have signed up to do either 1.) roofing, 2.) carpentry, or 3.) painting. Every year it is the same. And every year the man who is in charge doesn't think that I have the capability to do roofing. And as of right now, no one has called me to let me know what I am doing. Tomorrow. Psh. So I'm thinking I'll show up and just go with the roofing crew no matter what. (:
Sunday always proves to be a good day, what with the church and an afternoon with my girls.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I have nothing but love for you [both]. (:
October 6, 2008
Music Mondays
October 2, 2008
A little piece of my happiness
Here's what works for me right now (in no order of importance):
1. My pretty dog
2. Pumpkin Spice Latte season at Starbucks
3. Steak. Filet Mignon to be exact. At Longhorn to be more exact.
4. Seersucker, herringbone, houndstooth, and paisley things
5. Thoughts of Hawaii
6. Beaches in general
7. Watching a sunset
8. Galoshes
9. Bobby Bowden and the Seminoles, winning
10. Post-it notes
11. Crossing things off lists written on post-it notes
12. Malapropisms
13. Time with shecons
14. Making up words like "shecons" with my favorite girlfriends
15. Listening to good music
16. Singing good music
17. Thoughts of a movie with a cute boy Friday night
18. Shelly, who will speak in BAPS and Malibu's Most Wanted quotes with me
19. Quoting funny things
20. J.Crew clothes/catalogues
21. Craig + Lewis
22. A good book
23. Gymnastics
24. My Jesus, the painter (can I get a witness?)
25. Being favorite age
September 29, 2008
Music Mondays
September 26, 2008
The return of The Office
Now, about last night's episode, I have a few things to say. If you haven't seen it (and you want to), then maybe you should not read this anymore.
#1. I LOVE THE PROPOSAL!!! I was sooooo nervous how they were showing us Pam's friendship with nice-but-not-at-all-Jim-boy at school. The Office writers, if you did that to me, someone's gonna get hurt. BUT THE PROPOSAL! It was perfect. I love that it was so spontaneous and not the perfect-fairy-tale moment. It was perfect Jim and Pam. But let's be honest, I would've said yes so much louder and faster than Pam. (:
#2. Angela/Dwight/Andy. I don't even know what to say. Poor Andy! And the booty calls (or pages, as the case may be), though funny in their blatantness, TOTALLY ruin what I love(d) about Angela and Dwight's relationship.
#3. I need Michael to just work it out with Holly. But that is some hilarious stuff.
#4. Kevin's specialness revealed...poor Kev, but that is seriously some of the funniest comedy ever. "Wait, back up. Do you think that I'm retarded?"
#5. More favorite quotes:
-Andy: Every little boy fantasizes about his fairytale wedding.
-Michael: No, no, no. I don't wanna hear moaning. This is a good day. You guys accomplished something big. You lost a ton of weight, literally. A lot of weight. And I don't care what any stupid scale says, you guys are all gigantic losers.
-Michael: Does anyone have any idea what the number one cause of death is in this country?
-Dwight Schrute: Shotgun weddings.
-Jim Halpert: That's not what that is.
-Andy: Andy Bernard does not lose contests. He wins them. Or he quits them. Because they're unfair.
-Ryan: I've even started volunteering, giving back to the community.
-Jim: That's great....You're talking about your court-ordered community service?
-Ryan: I don't need a judge to tell me to keep my community clean.
-Jim: But he did right?
-Ryan: Alright.
-Jim: Alright.
I can't wait for next week!
September 22, 2008
Music Monday
This week's theme: songs with the word "hero" in the lyrics. Can anyone guess which show I've been watching during my Shecon Sunday afternoons? (:
So here's what we've got so far. I'll be updating throughout the week, so to the two of you who are reading this: BRING IT ON.
1. "We Don't Need Another Hero" by Tina Turner
2. "Hero" by Mariah Carey
3. "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Bette Midler
4. "My Hero" by Foo Fighters
5. "Jukebox Hero" by Foreigner
6. "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias
7. "Holding Out For A Hero" by Bonnie Tyler
**Updated to add
8. "The Glory of Love" by Peter Cetera (way to go, JS!)
9. "The Greatest Love of All" by Whitney Houston
10. "Hero" by Nickelback
11. "A Lot Like Me" by Dave Barnes
September 15, 2008
Join my entourage
September 9, 2008
Well I feel sheepish
I have cried over what I'm about to show you. With sweet laughter.
I received the following e-mail from a friend of mine who serves as an accompanist for our church. Said e-mail was written by a dear church member who will be singing a solo this Sunday. My friend put it in the category of "taking things a little far..."
Names have been changed to protect the innocent, except for including the pertinent detail that the writer's last name is actually "Lamb." Thus, the puns. All other text is completely as written.
Have fun:
Hi ______,
Looks like "ewe" are stuck with me for solo this Sunday. I'm very please that "ewe" will be accompanying me and I "wool" be looking forward to it.
Will be singing a simple John Peterson song (everything I do is simple) entitled "I Believe In Miracles."
Please let me know when it will be a good time for "ewe" to rehearse. I am semi-retired and flexible and want to meet when it's most convenient for "ewe." Will drop the music off at the Church on Wednesday.
Blessings from the "Sheep Shed"
______ Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamb
For some odd reason, I couldn't get Hot Chocolate's "You Sexy Thing" out of my head when I finished reading. I feel that someone should tell this person that song may not be an appropriate choice for our traditional worship crowd?
In addition, the above e-mail was then followed up with another gem:
Sounds good to me. I "wool" be there.
Sin "Shear" ly,
The "Wooly Bully"
It's just too much. Sinshearly. In the words of my dear friend, "We need to make Wooly Bully code for something. That is too good to let slip away."
September 8, 2008
THAT hardcore
September 7, 2008
September 3, 2008
I've been waiting for this moment for all my life
August 29, 2008
I cannot believe my eyes
It was 12:30PM. The sun was shining, and I was taking a nice little walk across the courtyard back to my office. As I looked up, I noticed a pair of plaid pajama pants walking in the opposite direction. Bad enough, but my annoyance soon changed to outright dismay as I continue to notice said plaid pajama pants are on a male, with no shirt on. It was just hung over his shoulder like he couldn't be bothered with, you know, clothing himself. I just don't get it. Plaid pajama pants. He was outside in broad daylight. On campus. There were PEOPLE around.
Happy Labor Day weekend. Here's hoping no actual labor has to take place. (:
August 26, 2008
Fiesta on
August 24, 2008
Not your average fiesta...
It's always a bittersweet moment when something you've been waiting on for so long is just...over. Life is but a breath and what-have-you, and the Siesta Fiesta is now just a memory. I'm having trouble right now deciding what to include in this post. I have what may soon be considered a good story about the flight to Texas. But that just might take up valuable space on a post in which I want to talk about so many other things. I could talk about how I was nervous about branching out "on my own". But that's boring, and plus, I am an heiress so we have no use for insecurity any longer.
I think instead I'd like to chat about how pleasantly surprised I am by the weekend. Nothing ever happens as expected, so I suppose I should stop expecting certain things from my Savior. I, along with I AM SURE about a frillion other people, got a good swift kick in the pants from God, through sweet Beth this weekend. It was a shot-out good time, and I needed it so badly. I am one of those people that needs processing time after hearing something deep. So I may be able to nutshell some of what Beth talked approximately 3 years. It was so good. Why is God just SO SWEET to me sometimes? Even when I am so dumb and I have to hear things eighty-four times before they even begin to sink in, He chooses to be nice to me. Just nice. We are not a mystery to Him, and He knows what we need. I might have to go on about that later.
I made friends this weekend. I went to a pajama party with a bunch of bloggers. Let's be honest, I wasn't sure it was my cup o' tea. A land unknown is not often a fun time for me. But y'all, it was HILAAAAARIOUS. Even without my sidekick for the weekend, I met people I didn't know before! And they were nice! And fun! And funny! And we are SO best friends now. Sorry about your luck, Annie, Jackie Sue, and Kathy. (Jackie Sue, your perch on the best friend list is precarious after you posted the breakdancing picture...something to work on for you...) Also, I met BigMama and BooMama. They are total rock stars and I heart them a lot.
Anyway, I love everyone but I have got to sleep. A weekend like this, no one gets any sleep. And I supposedly have to be at work on time tomorrow. Here's hoping!
August 18, 2008
Muscle Control
August 12, 2008
Speaking of the Olympics, I cannot get enough. I stayed up WAY too late last night because I just cannot stop myself from watching. Men's gymnastics? That stuff is INSANE, people. I love to watch it and just dream about the amount of strength it takes to do those tricks. I am SO SO SO excited to watch my girl Shawn Johnson and the rest of the women's team tonight. There will be no sleeping for me this week. I'm going to make it to work only by the grace of God.
A new favorite? Synchronized diving. Who knew? That is awesome. Diving is a very close second to my favorite Olympic sport of gymnastics. I just think it is incredibly cool. Also, there's the element of danger because my stomach drops to my toes every time their head comes close to the board. I live life on the edge. Vicariously, of course.
I think I might be in love with Michael Phelps. I mean, who isn't? He makes that swimming stuff look EASY. USA!!!!
So that's all I've got for now. Olympic fever.