July 5, 2009

I would like to go on record

This was one of those blessed weekends where things went exactly as I might have hoped they would. I will admit that I was skeptical about my plans, because I was just going home to my parents' by myself. How cool does that sound? Psh. Anyways, my dad and some of the members of their church have been working on a construction project for the last few weeks. I got the opportunity to go and work with them on Friday. Something that may or may not be interesting about me is that I kind-of dig manual labor. I love construction work. It was really fun to work alongside my dad and friends to help a family who has been ravaged by cancer. Sweet times. They're almost finished with their work - hopefully this week they'll pass inspection and trim everything out! I'm proud of all them - and sad I only got to work one day!

My new buddy and me rockin' the "GIRL POWER" crew:

How many people does it take to put siding on a house...?
Frank, me, Dad, and Mary Alyce - apparently.

After we finished work that day, at my request we went over to my parents' best friends' house (my second Mom and Dad) for a cookout. Another something about me: I LOVE a cookout. I also love Frank & Cherryl so it was doubly fun. I have no pictures of my feats of eating agility, but I may or may not have eaten hamburgers and hot dogs like there was no tomorrow.

Luckily, there was a tomorrow, and it included the best 4th of July I can remember. Mom and I went to her family's lake house for the day (Dad stayed behind to work with the construction crew). I grew up going all the time, but I don't think I've been since I graduated high school (over 8 years!). I had recently talked to my oldest cousins about it on facebook, and it worked out that a lot of the family went down for the day. I love the lake. It's like the beach in that you don't have to wear anything but a bathing suit all day. They had an inflatable pool set up on the deck for the kids, and if we weren't in the lake, we were all siting in the pool. It was so relaxed and it was the PERFECT day. I got to play with the jet skis and water ski for the first time in AGES, and I'm happy that it worked out well. Also, it should be mentioned that my 60-year-old Aunt Becky and my mom also skiied for the first time in ages - all of us getting out of the water on the first try. Boo-yow!

I love this picture of the dog in "his seat" on the deck.


This picture makes me laugh so much. If you carry your wife from the lake in a trailer behind a lawn mower...you might be a redneck.

I've decided that it's good to have a little redneck on the 4th of July. It's perfect for me. We finished off the day in the sun with some meat from the grill and my grandma's acre peas, watermelon, and corn on the cobb. Delish.

After our delightful day at the lake, Mom and I came back to watch the fireworks with friends...right on the banks of the St. Johns River. I don't think we could've had a better seat with the breeze blowing right off the water, and the show was great!

I finished off the weekend today going to the church I grew up in, with friends who have known me since the day I was born. There's something that's just special to me about that, even if I do miss my own church. It was sweet. Mom fed me well before I left their house, I was cranking the tunes on the way home with my dog, and now I'm in "my chair" in my house watching the same Deadliest Catch marathon that's been on all weekend. Can life get any better? (Well, maybe once I'm not sore from the skiing - but it's a price I'm happy to pay!)

I love everything about this weekend. Thanks for listening. (:

June 29, 2009


You know what I love? --A good gimmick.

Yesterday at church, my beloved pastor gave us a good word from James 1:26 - about keeping a lid on our smart mouths. He challenged each of us to go 24 hours without saying anything negative. We were each given a rubber band upon exiting that we are to wear on our wrists each day - and if we slip up, we're supposed to switch wrists. The object, of course, is to wear the band on one wrist for a full day. My favorite part of this whole "experiment" is that everyone is talking about it. At dinner tonight with friends, we were able to laugh and hold each other accountable (and maybe only change our rubber bands a few times). I've never had so much fun being held accountable. Try it!

June 9, 2009

My Chicago

I realize I was in Chicago (or at the very least, on the youth choir tour) for 7 days, and I only gave my frillions of readers 5 days' worth of posts. That could be because life falls apart when Lea exits my life. I spent almost every moment of the first five days with my friend, and then when she left EARLY on Saturday morning from Chicago is when it all started to go awry for me. Amber and I did the final room check that morning before we left Moody and we told all the girls it was at 8:45AM. We were ready early and sat around in our room making sure to give the girls adequate time to ready themselves. Everything went well and all was ship-shape. That is, however, until we realized (when The Director texted me) that we were supposed to LOAD THE BUS at 8:45. Room check was to have been at 8:30. Chaperone FAIL. Anyway, we traveled to Nashville that day and sang for The Next Door that evening. Those women were SO gracious and sweet and I wish I could have stayed. That evening we stayed at the Comfort Inn. Lights out at 11:00PM with a wake-up call at 5:30AM. I do love a scheduled 6hrs of sleep. (: However, The Director and I got an extra hour on account of the face that when the light switch is turned off in that particular hotel, none of the electrical outlets work. We didn't know that when I plugged in my cell phone charger to the phone that had our alarms on it. Needless to say, it did not charge and in fact DIED. Luckily our Crew Chief called The Director's cell phone 15 minutes before it was time to load the bus. We had the privilege of riding on the bus all day and giving our home concert with no showers. De-lish! (: Lea is never allowed to leave early again.

Anyway, it turned out all right in the end. Lea and I were still able to dance in the balcony while the kids were singing their last fun song. Good times!

I've thought a lot about why I have loved this trip so much, aside from the people who played a big part in my adoration. Here's what I've got so far: The Director, at each and every concert, turned around to the audience and told them that we were all there to sing about God's love for them. In nursing homes and rehab facilities and homeless shelters and half-way houses and cerebral palsy care facilities, they were told simply that GOD LOVES THEM. It brought to life the meaning that Jesus came to care not for the well, but for the sick. I'm so happy to have been able to experience even a small part of ministering to people on the fringes that even Christians have a hard time dealing with. Thank you for praying for us and for following along.

Here are two more of my favorite trip quotes, since I must finish what I started:
"I need to drop a duty."
"I have been watching you this whole trip and I think you're beautiful. May I please have my headphones back?"

And some of my favorite pictures from the trip for your enjoyment:

Ferris wheel at the Navy Pier

Just a fun picture of some fun kids

Some of my favorite chaperones (at the Navy Pier)

I love this kid as my kin. I always wanted a brother.
Matching sunglass provide a photo op if nothing else. (:
Fun with my girls!

Why, yes, I do love bribery.

At United Cerebral Palsy

Skipping up Michigan Avenue!

Trying to choose my favorite miniature room at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Millie and me hanging out with the Monet. Yum.

June 5, 2009

Day 5

I have had a great day in the city of Chicago.  We took 5 chaperones and 3 youth to the Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio tour today (2 1/2 hours!) and then forged our way to the Chicago Art Institute.  I am in love with the Art Institute and I found my new (and maybe only) favorite modern artist.  

More about our day on the tour blog.  I was with Lea so it was a blast!  

My quote of the day is actually from yesterday but we talked about it today.  From a youth on this trip: 
"If I put on more eyeliner, I can pass for 14!"  

Because those 14-and-up clubs are the BOMB!  

Traveling to Nashvegas tomorrow!

Day 4

So technically it's Day 5 now.   But for the sake of my OCD and posting every day, I haven't gone to bed yet so it's still Day 4.  We've had a great day at Pacific Garden Mission and United Cerebral Palsy.  

We decided today that Tina is our Hyper-Witnesser.  My favorite quote of the day is from this morning when Tina was a few minutes late to the bus:
"What is Tina doing, leading someone at Moody to Jesus?!"

My other favorite might be, "Grady, give that homeless man a cupcake!" 

The hits just keep on coming here, people.  Tomorrow is our fun day, and I'll be heading to the Frank Lloyd Wright Museum and the Chicago Art Institute.  

I LOVE these kids and they're doing such a great job.  Keep praying and check out the tour blog.

June 4, 2009

Day 3

This day has been great.  The kids sang two concerts at rehabilitation centers, and then we all went and prepared meals at Feed My Starving Children.  It was an amazing experience and I think it made an impression on all of us.  Plus, we got to wear these sweet hats:

I cannot look at that picture without laughing really, really hard.  Thank you, Lucas.

My favorite quote of the day comes from The Director (I hope her husband's reading) and it's a pot-calling-the-kettle-black sort of situation:
"This is a parable...of the hypocrite and the 6th grader."

Here's hoping we continue to forget myself, follow Jesus.

June 2, 2009

Day 2

We finally made it to Chicago!  It's such a great city and I am LOVING IT.  Hop on over to the tour blog for a play-by-play (click the button, people).  

My favorite quote of the day is from our illustrious bus driver, Charles.  (Who, when I asked very politely if I might call him "Sir Charles" responded, "You can call me Charles.") : 
"I like everybody, but some people I just don't wanna be around."  

As a side note, we started Sonshine mail today, in which the kids and chaperones can write encouraging notes to other peeps.  I may or may not have gotten a little teary over some of our GREAT kids...  

And here is perhaps my favorite picture from our architectural cruise his evening (during which we FROZE, fyi).

June 1, 2009

Day 1

Favorite quote of Day 1: 
Erin: "There's nothing worse than a bad band."
Lea: "Hell.  Hell is worse."

How true that is.

May 31, 2009

I don't want to be dead inside

I'm leaving in about 8 hours to chaperone my church's youth choir tour to Chicago.  I'm really looking forward to a week of wearing myself slap out with those kids.  We (and by "we" I mean "they") are going to sing for, and hopefully minister to, all different kinds of people.  I feel like I've reached one of those points in my life where I look around and I'm not quite sure how I got to a place of such complacency.  Let's just be honest.  I have been looking forward to going on this trip because I know it will be something new, and I have heard tell of how God has moved on trips past. I just know it's going to be awesome.  Please pray for us as we go.  And if you have a hankering, click on that handy little button to the right and read about our progress.  

forget myself, follow Jesus.  

May 28, 2009

I've saved up a lot of most of the exciting things

I feel like I haven't blogged in half a lifetime. And since lifetimes are counted in seasons of American Idol, that would be just about right. (: And now, I will tell you about my life in a series of photographs.

My sister and I went home for Mother's Day since we are the best daughters ever. What really cracks me up is this picture from George on the way to Jacksonville. She doesn't ever settle down on car rides, and this is her favorite position. Right over the shoulder of the driver. I don't understand it, but I find it HILARIOUS.
Amanda and I took our Mom out to The Melting Pot as a surprise. Dad was so good because we left earlier than we needed and he drove all around town just confusing her. I think we did well because she was SO surprised and we all REALLY loved that fondue. We also got a chance to try a family-squish self portrait. And who doesn't love that?
The next big moment (at least that I photographed) was me trying my best Lea impersonation in honor of the 24 season finale. Since I've been hooked into the show by one of my favorite families in town, I decided we should throw a 24 x 24 dinner. That is 24 different foods, and 24 pieces of each food item. 24 carrot sticks, 24 wings, 24 Twizzlers, 24 chocolate covered strawberries, 24 mini pizzas, 24 Sweet Sixteen donuts, etc... Y'all, it was a feat of 576 proportions. I will do just about anything to get teenagers to think I'm cool.
This past weekend was my cousin's fiance's bridal shower. Unlike the other 75% of my family, they don't live in Florida. I traveled to Athens, GA with my grandma, aunt, and mom to stay on the farm with my other aunt. I have decided that I LOVE the farm. There is so much pretty all around. My uncle built their house by hand, and grows a whole bunch of whatever he wants in his huge garden. A whole bunch of strawberries were ready to be picked when we were there, and we seriously had strawberry-something with every meal. It was awesome. I made jam! This is a picture of my cousin Whitney, Grandma, Aunt Becky, Mom, me, and Aunt Tere after Andrea's shower.
Speaking of Andrea's shower, some day I hope to accessorize as well as this Georgia Peach. You know the one. She seriously was my favorite part.

I did almost die walking around on the farm. Here is my proof:

I didn't let that stop me from having loads of fun with my new best friend the next day! I haven't really been able to sit well since, but I'm not sorry! It was the first time ever that I've ridden a horse that wasn't on a trail, following a leader. It was amazing.

So yeah. That was a run down of the things I've been doing. Some day I will tell all the fun stories from Adventures In Lunch with Meghan because that is blogging GOLD. For now, though, I have to ready myself to travel to Chicago for a week with 50-something teenagers. You can check out the youth choir's progress from June 1-7 here. Pray for us!

April 21, 2009

American Idol - Top 7, part deux

Oh, the drama of DISCO NIGHT.  I'm just going to go ahead and say up front that if there is any week of this show that has the potential to be trainwreckian, it is this week.  Disco.  People could crash and burn.  This is a very narrow genre regarding the realm of greatness.  And for the love, can Lil please sing some Donna Summer?   

01 Lil Rounds - "I'm Every Woman" Okay, Chaka Kahn is the next best thing to Donna Summer.  Remember when Mandisa sang this?  That was fun.  I'm glad to see that Lil has some of her sass back this week.  I still don't think it was pitch-perfect, which is unfortunate.  She did have fun but it didn't rock for me...I agree with the judges, though, she's been all over the place.  I AM sad about it, for what it's worth. 

02 Kris Allen - "She Works Hard For The Money" Y.I.K.E.S.  I'm scared for my little boyfriend... And immediately, I am on board.  Number one, I can finally say for certain that he is playing the guitar.  Number two, THANK YOU KRIS for giving us something unexpected with your arrangement.  Once again, I love him.  

A lot of women are known to shop in the men's department, but not many men are willing to shop in the women's.  What the?!  Further proof, ladies and gentlemen, that I should be fast forwarding through everything Paula says. 

03 Danny Gokey - "September" I love this song, first of all.  Nothing new with the arrangement, and it's exactly what I would have expected of the Gokey.  I really loved the bridge, but that was mostly the backup singers' fault.  (:  Y'all, he is one of the best vocalists.  Ever.  KARA!  FINALLY MAKING THE NOTE THAT HIS PITCH IS ALWAYS RIGHT.  It is, people.  It IS.  I do agree with Simon - at "this stage of the competition," he'll have to do something surprising soon.

04 Allison Iraheta - "Hot Stuff" NICE hook at the beginning.  I had to remember what song this was at first.  I like that she gave this a rock anthem vibe.  I think it was pretty great.  It totally made me laugh at the end when the band didn't cut off on her cue.  It feels like me in church band practice, because I am always doing that and no one ever pays attention to me.  (:   

05 Adam Lambert - "If I Can't Have You" I do enjoy the low-key Adam.  Maybe I just love a faux-hawk.  I think he made a good choice, as I actually do believe that he is emotionally connected to the song.  I think it was great, as it always is.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE that I never know what to expect from him.  It felt a little reminiscent of a Steve Perry/Journey ballad - just me?  (I love Journey)

06 Matt Giraud - "Stayin' Alive" How apropos.  I'm actually having fun with him this week!  I think he did exactly what he wanted to do. I'm not super-crazy about the end, but I think for the most part he hit his notes!  It was pretty decent.  

07 Anoop Desai - "Dim All The Lights"  I like the beginning, since I think Anoop is at his best when he doesn't over-work things.  I really like how he sang it.  Even the second half, bringing back the disco beat, I think it was really smooth.  I'm not sure that it was exciting enough to keep him out of the bottom three, but I liked it.  

For my money (which would be exactly $0.02) I still think Matt and Lil are (and should be) going home.  I will also renege and say that these kids did a lot better with the disco than I expected.  Good times!

April 14, 2009

American Idol - Top 7

Songs of the cinema, tonight?  This sounds like a fun theme.  It's interesting, at least!  Quentin Tarantino? - Hi, weird movies...I'm skeptical of you as a mentor.   
What have you got for us, kids?:

01 Allison Iraheta - "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing"  from Armageddon.  This feels like a perfect song choice for her.  A ballad, but edgy nonetheless.  I think it started off well, but for me it got really funky in the middle.  And when I say "funky, " I mean "she didn't hit her notes."  That's certainly out of character for her.  It felt disjointed and a little low?  It never quite got there for me.  Wasn't my favorite, but Paula and Simon love it?  She is FOR SURE the girls' best hope, but I just wasn't feelin it.  Maybe it sounded different through the TV.  That's always my fallback.  

02 Anoop Desai - "Everything I Do" from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.  Another ballad...I think Anoop's figured it out?  I also think Quentin was quite right; Anoop's gotta make it a little dirty.  I think this is such a pretty song.  I think he sang it very well.  Same ol' Anoop, I guess.  It's nothing I'll want to download later, but it's pretty.  

Is it just me, or does Randy look a little reminiscent of Charlie Brown with that sweater?  Just in blue...  (:  I bet it drives Simon CRAZY to not get to talk after each one.  I'm glad I still have Kara.

03 Adam Lambert - "Born to be Wild" from Easy Rider.  Oh, the guyliner is back en force.  I seriously don't see how anyone can beat him at this point.  He's not necessarily someone that I would like to listen to all the time (I sometimes grow weary of The Scream), but he is surely a brilliant vocalist.  My favorite quote ever: "You dare to dance in the path of greatness." -Paula  WHAT?  

04 Matt Giraud - "Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman" This is such a pretty song.  I like that he's getting back to the piano and putting his brilliant soul vibe back in there.  I think he totally lost it vocally in the big part of the song.  I prefer his easy falsetto.  It was a mixed bag for me.  

05 Danny Gokey - "Endless Love" I love his voice.  And I'm totally digging the harp on stage (that was for my mom).  I think I heard the first iffy note from him...but I quickly forgot it.  I really liked it.  I think it was really emotional for him and I do NOT know how he sang it.  I would love to see him bust out a totally unexpected arrangement soon.  Just once, at least.  

06 Kris Allen - "Falling Slowly" from Once.  I don't know this movie or this song.  But I know that I have a crush on Kris.  I think it started a little rough.  To me it feels sorta choppy.  It is really nice for me when he sings higher.  I think it was pretty good, but maybe too obscure of a song choice. 

07 Lil Rounds - "The Rose" OhmygoshIcan'twaittohearhergogospel.  I have been waiting for this moment for all my life.  I like that she kept it pretty at the beginning.  I think there are some really wonderful moments, but some of it felt just a touch off to me.  That hurts my feelings just a little bit.  Simon is right, though, it's not the Lil we came to love.  Lil's right, too, though...she did what she thought they wanted her to do.  

I do not want Lil to go home, but I think she was the weakest link.  I also think Matt and Anoop could be in danger.  I think Quentin actually added some nice constructive criticism for the singers.  


April 13, 2009

Girl George antics

I will unabashedly tell you that I think my dog, George, is the prettiest dog ever.  I can also say for certain that she's perfect for me.  1/2 Golden Retriever and 1/2 Yellow Lab is pretty much my favorite combo ever.  You'd think, however, that a dog who is that particular half-breed would love being in the water.  She never has.  Her one exception is that she'll chase after any water that moves.  She doesn't like a bath but loves drinking from the hose.  I recently caught some of her particular brand of crazy on video at my parents' house and their pool.  I don't know why this makes me laugh so much...but it does. 

April 9, 2009

This Friday is better than all the others

I'm so thankful for Good Friday.  I'm thankful for my church that leaves our sanctuary open all day for a time of quiet reflection.  I'm thankful that they make me remember.  I'm thankful that I get to pause without being sidetracked for at least a few moments on one afternoon.  I'm thankful that it's tradition to have lunch with my best girl friends and take the afternoon off of work so we can participate and reflect and talk amongst ourselves together.  I'm thankful for my friends who love me more than I deserve.  And mostly I'm thankful for a Savior who goes to indescribable lengths in pursuit of me.  And you.  Thank you, Jesus, for this Good Friday.  



April 7, 2009

American Idol - Top 8

I have always loved the songs-from-the-year-you-were-born theme. Usually it's some sweet 80s song that I know and love. I hope these people work it out!

01 Danny Gokey (1980) - "Stand By Me" This arrangement to me started a little weird. At first I thought it was getting a little too boring, but when it kicked into a little bit more of the groove, I liked it. I sure do love it when he hits those high notes. Boy can sing.

02 Kris Allen (1985 a June baby, yeah!) - "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" I love the funk vibe. I would go dancing with Mr. Allen. And I don't even dance well. I thought it was a lot of fun.

03 Lil Rounds (1984) - "What's Love Got To Do With It" Finally, a powerhouse song! And shoot, it feels a little weak to me. A little pitchy, and a little boring. She can SING! Where is the Lil that made all these people look like children?

04 Anoop Desai (1986) - "True Colors" Hm. Cyndi Lauper? I do like the acoustic, sort-of R&B arrangement, and I think he's singing it well. I really do like Anoop a lot (hello, such a nice guy). This feels right for him, finally. I wouldn't have expected it, but I really liked it!

05 Scott MacIntyre (1985 another June baby!) - "The Search Is Over" I love this Survivor song. Who knew he could also play the guitar - what?! That's awesome. But goodness, in my humble opinion, he's vocally just not hitting this song. And by "not hitting," I mean, "I can't take it."

06 Allison Iraheta (1992) - Good grief, that girl is a BABY!! "I Can't Make You Love Me" I LOVE this song. I think Bonnie Raitt is a great choice for her (though I also think she can sing just about anything). I think most of the emotion of this song is lost on her, but I didn't hear a bad note, that's for sure. I don't think heartbreaking ballads are the best for her rocker self, but I give her credit for trying to take it down a notch.

07 Matt Giraud (1985) - "Part Time Lovers" This is seriously one of my favorite Stevie Songs. I think it's a good groove for Matt. I really like what he did with it, and I really like it when he hits those high notes!

08 Adam Lambert DANGIT!!!!! MY DVR DIDN'T RECORD ADAM!!!!
And my life feels as though it's hanging in the balance. I. Must. Know.
**UPDATE** Here's the YouTube video. I don't think it warranted the famed Simon-Standing-O, but see for yourself:

April 3, 2009

Always be victorious

"Victory is mine, victory is mine! Great day in the morning, victory is mine! I drink from the keg of glory...Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land!"
(A frillion Shrute bucks to anyone who can name both the authors of the quote in the title of this post and the one above.)

I wrote this response to Home Depot's form letter at approximately 11:15AM EST:

I feel as though you responded very poorly to my concerns, but I did want to send a follow-up letter to address these unfortunate circumstances. Frankly, I don't think you “carefully reviewed” anything I've said. I am once again disappointed that a company to whom I have been very loyal feels that I should wait an additional 3-5 business days for a resolution to a situation that has been ongoing for 8 weeks. This is unacceptable. My concerns are valid and after your lack of due diligence, I assure you that I will be taking my patience and my patronage elsewhere in the future. At the very least I would expect a phone call before the close of business today.

By 1:30PM I had received a call from the installers, who will be at my house with my new garage door on Monday morning. By 2:45PM I received a call from Brittany in Home Depot's Customer Care Department. She verified that I had an installation scheduled, apologized for their oversight, and will be sending me a HD gift card for my troubles. Thank you, Brittany in Customer Care, for taking care of your business today. I hope we never speak again. (:

This says it all

Epic battles ensue...

My letter to the Customer Care department at Home Depot yesterday at approximately 11:30AM EST:

To whom it may concern:

I ordered (and paid for) a custom garage door from your website on February 4th and received a confirmation e-mail saying that someone would be out to take measurements within a few days. The measurements were taken on February 11th. I was told that it would be 2-4 weeks before installation, and that if any additional work was required I would be told shortly.

I waited the full 4 weeks but I never received a call. I called my local Home Depot store on March 11th and spoke to one of the expediters there. Apparently the manufacturer had not received the measurements (taken on 2/11) until the previous day. I was not informed until that time that I needed to pay an additional $100 for a header that was needed. I paid over the phone and I was told that it would take 7-10 days before the installation would be scheduled.

I once again waited until March 23rd and never received a call. I once again called my local Home Depot expediter, who informed me that my [standard sized] garage door was not in stock on the 11th, but it was to ship on a rush order on Friday, March 27th. I was then told that the installer had put me on a “priority” list and would call me to schedule the installation time by Monday, March 30th.

As of this moment on April 2nd, I have not received another call. I have called and left several messages once again with the local Home Depot offices this week and have not even been given the courtesy of a return phone call.

I believe I have been extremely patient but my patience has reached its end. I have been almost two months without a functional garage door and I feel that the customer service I have received has been very poor. I would like this situation rectified as soon as possible.

Thank you,

The response I received from the "Customer Care" department of the Home Depot at approximately 2:00AM EST:

Dear E,

Thank you for contacting The Home Depot Customer Care.

We apologize for your experience with our company. We have carefully reviewed your concern and found it necessary to escalate it to our Resolution Team.

However, before we can escalate this issue, please provide your telephone number including the area code.

Once we receive this information, we will forward it to the Resolution Team. They will then contact you within 3-5 business days.

Your record number with Customer Care is 533xxxx.

We greatly appreciate your patience and patronage. Again, our apologies for the circumstances you encountered as a customer of Home Depot.

If you do not hear from us within 3-5 business days or would like to speak with a Customer Care professional, please call us at 1-800-HOMEDEPOT (1-800-466-3337, Prompts: 3 then 6). We would be happy to assist you.

Customer Care

Now, I would like someone to tell me what part of my [very polite] letter makes them think that I would be thrilled to learn that my concerns had been escalated to the Resolution Team? I'll receive a call back within 3-5 business days?! -Delightful!

They CLEARLY did not "carefully review" anything. And they can forget both my patience and my patronage.

And that is all I have to say about that until I leave the tunnel of fury.

Lord, please help me.