March 3, 2009


So I had such lofty intentions of doing my "usual" American Idol blogging, but alas, I have not even watched it yet.  I spent all evening frying bacon to put in a pasta salad.  Because let's be honest, if I'm going to ever make a pasta salad, it will have some bacon in it.  We have a staff retreat at work tomorrow.  This is ridiculous on so many levels.  I'd love to tell you about it.  

Number one, we're going to "retreat" to the fifth floor of the building IN WHICH WE ALREADY WORK.  

Number two, our groups have to plan an activity for the whole staff that will take about 20 minutes. 

Number three, we're eating salads.  Salad is maybe my least favorite food group.  There is only one salad in the entire world that I would order at a restaurant in order to forego, say, a steak.  And this is mostly because they don't have a steak on their lunch menu.  But I digress.  Our staff was split up into groups of four and we were given a salad category.  Our's is pasta salad.  For the love.  I don't mean to offend all you italian-dressing-peas-and-tri-colored-rotini-lovers out there, but I loathe pasta salad.  So each member of our group had to find a different recipe for pasta salad and make it for tomorrow.  Me, with my sure-no-problem attitude, claimed "anything with bacon."  

So I don't think anyone really looked up the actual definition of the word "retreat," but I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply as "a quiet or secluded place in which one can rest and relax."  Oh, well, I will go and I will not complain any more than to, like, the entire world on the internet.  Next time I'll volunteer to put my happy little behind on the planning committee and suggest something different.  

Pardon my bite this evening.  I'm trying to find the humor in all this stuff because it has been a rather long day, and did I mention I didn't get to watch American Idol?  I don't know what I'm going to talk about tomorrow...  

In the meantime, the highlight of my day has been the unveiling of my new apron.  This evening marks the first time I have bought or worn an apron, ever.  I'd like to thank Anthropologie and Bacon Grease for this moment:

p.s. Sorry for my messy kitchen.  
p.p.s.  I might try and make up for my lack of AI tonight, tomorrow.  Pins and needles, friends...  (:  


3girlsmom said...

Stinkin hilarious. Hope you enjoyed your "retreat" and pasta salad!
And I meant to comment on your apron on Facebook because it is FAYN-TASTIC!
I miss you.

Jackie Sue said...

You are so funny! I LOVE pasta salad btw so if you want, post your recipe :)