April 30, 2008

Songs of the Week

So am obsessed lately with our "theme weeks" here at work. I pick a topic for the week, and everyone who wishes to play my little game brings a song to the table related to that theme. This week, it's all about songs that have a woman's name in them (and for the love, I cannot find a way to say that sentence that feels right to me...it's just awkward grammar...I need perfect prose, people). Anyway, we have compiled an even greater list this week than last week's "songs about the sun". Here's what we've got so far, and the week's only half over:

Come On Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners
Oh Sheila – Prince
Oh Sherrie – Steve Perry
My Sharona – The Knack
Amanda – Boston
Mandy – Barry Manilow
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds – Elton John
Someday, Sarah – Dave Barnes
Grace’s Amazing Hands – Dave Barnes
All That Noise – Dave Barnes (Liza)
Annie – Dave Barnes
Adeline – Dave Barnes
Barbara Ann – The Beach Boys
Could It Be Magic – Barry Manilow
Sweet Melissa – Allman Brothers
Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something
Help Me Rhonda – The Beach Boys
Layla – Eric Clapton
Annie’s Song – John Denver (and, since I listened today, Travis Cottrell)
Wake Up Little Susie – The Everly Brothers
Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond
Roxanne – The Police
Fancy – Reba McIntire
Cecilia – Simon & Garfunkel
You Can Call Me Al - Paul Simon
Maggie May – Rod Stewart
*also, about a frillion "Maria" songs...but I am overcome so thus choose not to list all

Please feel free to add on some of your favorites to my list! I would be lost in all the craziness of my job if it weren't for this funness!

April 27, 2008

My sister the graduate

This weekend my baby sister (she's my only sibling but I like to call her "baby" anyway) officially joined the elite group of individuals known as Florida State University Alumni.  Now, I talk a big game about the horrific idea of sitting through a college graduation, mostly because there's about 2500 people and it takes 3 hours.  I mean, I didn't go to mine, so why would I subject myself to that for someone else's glory?  However, since she made the smart decision to be a Psychology major, and they graduate on Friday night instead of Saturday morning, I was there for her.  (:  I actually surprised myself by having a good time.  Since, as I mentioned, I didn't actually "walk" in my graduation (please, College of Business graduates on said Saturday morning at 8:00AM...no, thank you) it was as if I was living vicariously through her pomp and circumstance.  All the academia can really go to your head.  I've started having thoughts of getting a Masters degree and even a Doctorate because they get those sweet hoods!  Who are we kidding?  Anyway, with the family in town it was a big party.  

Sitting on our front porch.  She's pretty.

The spread.  

Because THIS is what makes the boys wanna holler.  (:  

Amanda Leigh with our parents.

We came.  We conquered.  

This picture makes me laugh.  Not only because I think it was my first time actually getting in that proverbial fountain, but because we clearly didn't need to pull up our skirts that high.   

April 23, 2008

Songs of the week

At my job, we have started a little friendly competition of sorts.  Each Monday, I pick a theme and throughout the work-week we have to come up with songs having to do with said theme (Encore-style).  I LOVE this kind of stuff.  This week, the topic is: SUN.  
So far, this is what we've got:
  1. Walking on Sunshine
  2. Sunshine Superman - Donovan
  3. Sunshine On My Shoulders 
  4. Good Day Sunshine
  5. I Can See Clearly Now - Jimmy Cliff
  6. You Are My Sunshine
  7. Tomorrow - Annie
  8. All Creatures - David Crowder
  9. Sesame Street theme
  10. Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone
  11. Soak Up The Sun - Sheryl Crow
  12. All I Wanna Do - Sheryl Crow
  13. Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles
  14. Island In The Sun - Weezer
  15. Lights - Journey
  16. Sunny Days - Jars of Clay
  17. Heavenly Sunlight
  18. I Wanna Be With You - Avalon

Whatchoo got?  Anyone...anyone...Bueller...? 

There is no justice in the world

Or on American Idol.  America voted...and they were WRONG...
Carly?!!  Jigga-WHAT?!!

April 22, 2008

Worlds apart

"Here we stand, worlds apart, hearts broken in two...two...two..."
I would just like to say that I am LOVING Journey (the band) today. God blessed me by putting this song on the radio as I was pulling into work this morning. There really are few songs that do as well at getting me pumped up for the day. That driving bass = hot. And plus, the video is HILARIOUS. I love the 80's--such fodder for some good laughs. Who out there has a favorite Journey song? Holler back. (:

April 21, 2008

My girl George

So since it has been such beautiful weather here lately (yay, Florida!), I was hanging outside with my baby girl last night.  She is so cute, I just had to take some pictures.  It has been a while since we had a photo shoot, anyway.  I just thought I'd share.

This is how she tells me she's really ready for me to throw the ball.  She never lies down more than that; always ready to spring into action!

The face.  She uses this on me all the time.  TSNF!

A nice candid shot of her with a volleyball in her mouth.  And yes, it's tye-dyed (sp?).  

By the way, if I don't know you (ie, Robyn, you can't play), and you can tell me from where in literature I named my dog, you can be my best friend.  Trust me, people are lining up for this show, folks.  (:  

The More You Know

I could not resist finally blogging about The Office. This show is so gut-wrenchingly awkard, but I find it SO funny. My favorite quotes from last Thursday's episode:
Michael--"What is it like being single? I…like it. I like starting each day with a sense of possibility. And I’m optimistic, because every day I get a little more desperate, and desperate situations yield the quickest results."
Michael--"What part of 'shornt' don't you understand?"
Jim--"I haven't proposed to you yet?"
Andy--"I lost a penny out of my loafers, Oscar!"

I also like that I can have this show in common with people I work with. We send around a daily Office quote just for kicks, and I just found this video:

April 15, 2008

Break out your confetti

I think The Biggest Loser is the most amazing reality show on TV.  I laugh, I cry, and then I go work out because I feel like a slob.  And tonight, history was made and my prayers were answered when Ali, everyone's favorite female, beat out all the boys and won it all!  112 pounds!!!  Nothing like a house full of girls screaming their lungs out at a television.  Even if you don't watch the show, you should at least check out the website and see the before/after photos.  That is some crazy stuff!  Anyway, that's all.  I'm excited! 

American Idol bandwagon

I'm no Travis Cottrell, but now that I am hanging around Bloggyville, I couldn't resist a live update...  (:  

David A-it was okay, but c'mon, can I get him to stop singing the cheesy songs? It's just getting a little irksome that everyone keeps lapping him up. I mean, dang.

Carly-I am TIRED of this girl getting a bad rap. She's the bomb. I'm tired of her always getting the "just a'ight for me, dog" feedback. Plus, a Paula comment: she looked so pretty for once!

Syesha-I thought she kicked it bigtime. I love those runs.

Brooke-First, I wanted her to play the guitar like in the mentor vid. I miss those Carly Simon days. I think the piano playing made her nervous, though I give her credit for it. I couldn't do it. I also think she's HILARIOUS with her shoes. I kinda dig her version. I might download it from iTunes since they can take out the nervous.

*PAULA IS CRAZY: "You two look great together on stage right now." Who cares?

Kristy Lee-I want her gone. That being said, I happen to actually think this was one of her better nights. Maybe it was because the dress hid that horrible stance. I did have to close my eyes, though, so I just didn't have to watch her. I love Simon: "-Really? You didn't give me chills." (:

David Cook-It's hard for me to come back after the "give back" written on his hand last week, but seriously, I love his arrangements. "Always Be My Baby"? Hot! Not so much my favorite vocals when he's all down low like that, but still.
p.s. Did you see that huge drum set? That was cool.
p.p.s. He cried!

Jason-My little cutie (except for the shoes). I like the acoustic set. He's a little pitchy, which is a shame, because it's hard for me to hear past that, but I like that arrangement. Maybe, Randy, it's because I think I would like that crazy luau.

I think America will vote the bottom three: Syesha, Kristy Lee Cook (please?), and Brooke. Runner up is Carly. Who knows.

April 14, 2008


So, I have been running consistently now for 12 days.  And if you are familiar with me on any level you are probably having to go fetch your jaw off the floor--but it is true.  The next shocker may be that I'm actually enjoying myself.  Now, we won't get carried away because so far I'm only up to two blocks (yippee skippee), but I'm doing remarkably better than I expected.  All this stems from my Living Proof Live conference weekend at the end of March.  If you don't know Beth Moore, you should.  She partnered with Jesus to get all up in my business a couple weeks ago.  Before that time, I have been in a spiritual wasteland for so long.   It is the most agonizing pain of my life, but my prayer for that weekend was that God wouldn't let me leave still feeling numb.  And PRAISE HIM, He still answers my prayers.  Beth was bringing the Word from Philippians 3...you know, "Not that I have already attained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."  Now, there's a lot of really cool word-play going on in the chapter that Beth can explain a lot better than me.  But I had a few of those moments that I like to call God winking at me--when He just shows up and makes me sure that He's been listening to my thoughts all along.  I love those moments.  To further explain, this idea of a pursuit or a chase in my relationship with my Savior has been vastly important to me.  Nothing quite bursts my heart like realizing the depths God goes to when He comes after me.  He is always on the hunt for us--what an amazing concept!  Something that stuck (I guess the hardest) to me from the LPL weekend was this idea of us running our race towards Christ in exactly the same manner.  With "eyes on the prize" focus, following Him with a purpose!  I realized that I have been spiritually sitting on my miserable bottom in this wasteland.  I did not find God because I wasn't really seeking.  I haven't been even strolling after Him.  It made me sorry.  But I'm telling this story here with the conclusion that I am literally picking up the pace.  I have made a commitment to run (my least favorite form of exercise) for 40 days, since I like the symbolism in my life.  If you read this (bless you), hold me accountable!  So far I've gone 12 days, and I don't want to give up as I am so prone to do.  "I do not consider that I have already obtained all this, but one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead..."  By the grace of God, I can run two blocks.  And He and I use that time to show off for each other.  Boy, is He good.  And that wasteland STINKS.  

The basics

So I figure that since this is my foray into the blogging community, I should first begin with something of myself.  What better way to do that than with a list of 10 random facts?  So here you are:
1. I LOVE singing with other people.  I have a life-long dream of being a backup singer.
2. I think God is such a good artist, with sunsets especially.  
3. I love bodies of water.
4. I have another life-long dream to be the "professional driver, closed course" in all those sweet car commercials.  1/2 backup singer, 1/2 driver of sports cars.  
5. I enjoy being absorbed in the fantasy of a fictional book.  Since reading the "Twilight" series, I have decided I could date a vampire.  I live life on the edge.  
6. I enjoy eating a Snack Pack.
7. I consider myself a connoisseur of music.
8. I like driving on roads of seamed concrete.  Good rhythm.
9. I enjoy dancing but ONLY when no one is watching.  
10. I might have a mild case of OCD, but only because I like things the way I like them.  And I jest, but I do actually consider OCD a fascinating disease.  

And we're all yearning for more...  Ha!