February 26, 2009

You are an enigma wrapped in a schizophrenic

So apparently, all I have to talk about these days is my favorite TV.  I promise that I do actually want to give a run-down on my recent weekend activities (ooh, fun for you!), but Burn Notice is just too good to pass up.  This is one of my favorite shows ever.  It is funny James Bond, and in sunny Florida, too!  Spies meet fast cars meet fabulous clothes meet dry humor, and we have a recipe for delight.  

I love the combo of a super-spy with an old FBI buddy and a romantic interest in an Irish guerilla.  These people kick some serious boo-tay, friends.  I love them.  They can do anything.  Michael's (super-spy) ex-fiance makes an appearance in this episode, which makes for some excellent sexual chemistry.  I'm not sure how I feel about it, seeing that I am a HUGE supporter of Michael and Fiona (IRA expert).  I hope she doesn't stay on the show.  But she is pretty.  

The bad guy this week is a total blowhard.  I loathe him.  I also loathe the other bad guy.  And I want them to hurt someone...but only in the name of good conquering evil, of course.  

Ok so if you haven't seen it, you should check it out.  I might find myself talking about it on the world wide web all over again.  (:  

THE SEASON FINALE IS NEXT WEEK?  But we've only just begun...dangit, USA.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i watch burn notice on hula.com and it is perfect watch while i work fare... of course "work" is a loose term for what i do on the computer....