September 22, 2008

Music Monday

So I've been a slacker. But my favorite game (besides Balderdash) is back! It's the return of Music Mondays, people. Where your host (ie, me) picks a theme for the week and we come up with songs pertaining to that theme. It helps pass the time at work, what can I say?!

This week's theme: songs with the word "hero" in the lyrics. Can anyone guess which show I've been watching during my Shecon Sunday afternoons? (:

So here's what we've got so far. I'll be updating throughout the week, so to the two of you who are reading this: BRING IT ON.

1. "We Don't Need Another Hero" by Tina Turner
2. "Hero" by Mariah Carey
3. "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Bette Midler
4. "My Hero" by Foo Fighters
5. "Jukebox Hero" by Foreigner
6. "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias
7. "Holding Out For A Hero" by Bonnie Tyler

**Updated to add
8. "The Glory of Love" by Peter Cetera (way to go, JS!)
9. "The Greatest Love of All" by Whitney Houston
10. "Hero" by Nickelback
11. "A Lot Like Me" by Dave Barnes

1 comment:

Jackie Sue said...

Man, I'm in a panic...I can't think under such pressure, but when I can, I'll be back. Hero....golly wolly, not a I think "Power of Love" has hero in the lyrics...Peter Cetera. Is that right, Edub? Well, I tried. This old brain is tired...T I R E D. Go Noles!